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A Guide for Newbies . Shortened and Revised 5/15/10
Posted : Thursday, January 09, 2025 11:42 AM | 5 views
UDATED MAY 15, 2001 If you are new to seeing escorts, providers, companions, then I highly recommend that you read this for to ensure your safety and understanding in your new endeavor. Don't let fear of the unknown keep you from enjoying something you have a need or interest in. In any endeavor everything is always more enjoyable when everyone know the rules and abide by them...unless you are a self destructive person that needs to live on the edge and take risks. In that case this article is not for you.
Anyone including scammers and LE are free to post on these sites as well. You need to know how to screen a provider and do your homework before responding to a post if you want everything to run smoothly and avoid breaking the law and ending up in jail or being scammed.
I have written a more detailed article for newbies but it started looking to much like a book to publish here. If you like a long read and are interested in reading the full article I would be happy to send it to you.
This is just the DOS and DONTS section and is intended as a public service to help you from falling on your face when contacting an ASP...or worse. You may find a lot of this advice to be a good rule of thumb when traditional dating also if you would like to see the lady again. These are not rules just good advice to help make your endeavor as worry free and enjoyable as possible.
First what you should never do
1. Put in your email or discuss on the phone anything that could be even remotely misconstrued as soliciting for prostitution. This is a crime in the state of Colorado and puts us both at risk for prosecution. This goes for phone call also. If I even think you are trying to solicit me for prostitution I will hang up on you as will many of the reputable ASPs. 2. Ask questions that could be answered in her post such as rates unless you truly dont understand. You could come off sounding like LE intent on entrapment. And never never haggle about her rates. If she is running a special she will state that in her ad. There is no greater insult than a man trying to haggle a lady down on what she feels she is worth. If there is a lady you would like to see but she is out of your budget range or you would not be able to see often because of her rates and can offer a service to her such as being a standby when she has a no show, no regular appointments scheduled or just having cravings of her own that need to be satisfied then let her know she may be willing to work with you. You will find most low volume providers to have big hearts and be very understanding. It is highly recommended that you not do broach this subject in your first contact but pony up for your first appointment so she will already know you and have a comfort level with you. There are many thing in life that we want but cant afford. But those things that are really important to us we put back and save for. 3. Dont be offended if you contacted her a week or a month ago and she doesnt remember you, especially if you have a common name like Joe, Mike, Sam, David, Bob etc.. Most men would be amazed at the amount of calls and email we get from prospective clients or gentlemen just wanting info. There are some days we may hear from 5 Pauls on that day alone dont assume you are the only one. Be aware of what an awesome task it is to differentiate between people you have never met when they all have the same or similar names. Even if you have met you may not be the only Brad she saw that month. 4. Be offended if you are running late and she is unable to extend your appointment time and your tartness cuts into your appointment time. She may have other things planned for after her appointment with you that she cannot reschedule like family obligations or personal appointments. She does have a real life outside of being a provider and other obligations. Most good providers will be understanding and extend your appointment end time if at all possible. 5. Show up early. There are a lot of little details that go into preparing for a date like getting refreshments ready and lighting candles and even 5 minutes early can throw us off. 6. Deviate from the agreed upon plan. If she asks to meet you in a restaurant dont surprise her in the parking lot. I have come very close to canceling an appointment because a gentleman thought it would be fun to deviate from our agreed upon plan and surprise me. I was almost to frightened to go through with it. However he was very apologetic and understanding and offered to extend our date to give me extra time to get back in my comfort zone. Never good to start off a date by scaring the bee-geebies out of a lady. 7. Dont bombard her with phone calls or email. Understand that she may have a very busy life and be respectful of her time. 8. Dont assume that because she is enjoying herself as much as you are that it is ok to go over your appointment time with out compensating for it. The best providers will only agree to see gentlemen they are relatively sure they will have a good time with. Most or ok if an appointment goes over by 10 or 15 minutes (unless they are ones that charge for the quarter hour) but if you go over by a half hour or more compensation needs to be made for the extra time spent. The appointment begins the moment you walk in the door and is not over until the moment you walk out. Again, be respectful of her time. NOW FOR THE HONEY DOS
1. Check on ladies reviews and read her post. DO YOUR HOMEWORK! The only gentlemen that I have ever hear of having a bad experience with an ASP (such as a bait and swithch or other scams) is because they didnt screen her first before calling. Learn as much as you can about someone before seeing her. 2. Be honest and upfront during screening. If she catches you in a fabrication you may consider the screening over and your number may go into her ignore list preventing any future contact. 3. Arrange a meeting time as much in advance as possible especially if you are dealing with a low volume provider and this is your first appointment with her. Not enough can be said for anticipation. A high volume provider may not require this but a low volume provider usually enjoys putting a lot of planning into her appointments. The more time given to plan and prepare could well mean a better appointment for you. However dont hesitate to call her for a last minute appointment to see if she is free. She could have had a no show and be ready to go. If she has just been stood up, regardless of what you look like, when she opens that door all she will see is a knight in shinning armor and this could only work to your benefit. 4. If you need to cancel let her know ASAP. A last minute cancelation is little better than a no show but still better. A cancelation call is always disappointing but can be understanding. Never cancel by text or email talk to her in person or leave her a voice message. A no call/no show will ensure that she will not make another appointment with you and could have you banned within the ASP community. It is no secret that we providers have provider only sites were we ban together to give the scoop on a bad client to keep each other safe. You do not want your name showing up on one of these sites. 5. Call at the on or before the prearranged time to confirm your appointment. 99.9% of the time gentlemen who do not make this call wind up being a no show. Being even 5 minutes late with a confirmation call could result in her thinking you are going to be a no show and making other plans if she gets a call for someone wanting to see her immediately. After all, she has spent an hour or two getting ready for you so she is ready to go if someone else calls and you wouldnt believe how often this will happen. I have had appointments scheduled days or weeks in advance only to have the gentleman not call to confirm or not show and get a call from someone that has some free time and wants to know if I am available now. There has only been one time that a gentleman made his confirmation call after the appointed time that he was actually on his way but resulted in my thinking he was going to be a no show and so I made another appointment with someone that said he could be there in 15 minutes and would be happy to take the place of my no show. This resulted in over a week of hate mail and threats that I never want to suffer again. It is always ok to call a little early but never late. If you get her voice mail be sure to leave a message so she can get back with you ASAP. 6. Show up freshly showed and with fresh breath. If you are coming to the appointment from a job site and need to shower on arrival let her know in advance so she will have everything ready for you. She may even offer to jump in with you. Just be aware that this is on your time and a part of the appointment. Im sure you want to see a lady that is well groomed and presentable and if you give her the same consideration it can only ad to her enjoyment that can only result in her heightening yours. Besides, she just might want to jump in with you :) 7. Show up on time or call if you are running even a little late. Dont let her think even for a minute that you will be a no show. This could result in her having a different attitude from the lady that was just anticipating your arrival with wild excitement just a few minutes before. No reason to put a damper on your meeting when you are this close to having an amazing time. 8. When you arrive at her location take stock in your surroundings. If you see anything suspicious like someone hanging around her in-call or setting in a van near by then dont stop but drive up the street and give your ASP a call and let her check out the situation for you. This is especially important if her in-call is a hotel. That is unless you want to have a completely new experience in your life like a run-in with LE but wouldnt think so. If her in-call is in a private home this can usually be easily explained. When my neighbors across the street moved out the workmen during the move and the ones that came to clean up after would often go to their trucks to have a smoke or take a break (it was cold out). But it was a cause for concern for a few days and I was really proud of the gentlemen that took my advice and called me when I forgot to warn them upfront about the activity, I knew I was meeting a gentleman that was as concerned with safety as myself and someone I could feel safe and comfortable with. Sometimes its the little things :) 9. Dont hesitate to show your appreciation for her if she has given you exceptional service, you have made special requests, or you go over your time by 10 or 15 minutes and she was a good sport about it. Tips are never expected but always appreciated. Even a small tip of $20 will say more than words that you really liked her and would like to see her again. 10. And finally the most important thing Set your expectations high and plan on having a wonderful time :) escorts in boulder,backpage bodyrubs,escorts boulder co,aspen erotic massage,boulder co escorts,longmont escorts,denver escorts tryst,escort boulder co,escorts boulder,boulder escorts